13th International Conference & Exhibition on ICT For Education, Training & Skills Development

The E-learning conference this year was held at Rwanda .The conference was an avenue for different organizations to express their progress in E-learning scope. E-learning facilities were provided and they were taught how they can be used to solve both educational and real life work problems. Based on the fact that WAVE as an organization has plans of taking  its training content online, it was only necessary that WAVE be in attendance at the conference.

However, there were soft skill training sessions where organizations like WAVE were taught how to use e-learning to build on what they are presently teaching. Our representatives also presented some of the soft skill programs that they offer and the challenges that are involved in it.
The key take-away from this conference are:
  • The current educational system in most schools in Africa are failing students as well as employees and this system will continue to be the bane of this failure if it is not changed. As Margaret Brown of global times confirmed this assertion in her presentation.
  • The change of this system is however not entirely in the hands of schools but also policy makers in ensuring an effective production of resources. Policy makers should include the teaching and learning of soft skills into the curriculum of schools using online platforms.
  • 57% of employers agree that soft skills are more important than hard skills and if schools are able to teach soft skills, hard skills can be easily taught.
  • Most importantly, even though online learning platforms are good, it cannot function effectively without inter-personal learning, there has to be a blend between these two learning methods. In other words, both methods can only function effectively when they are dependent on each other.


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